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To most of the world the word “surrender” denotes defeat by the enemy. Images of a white flag being waved as an individual comes out of hiding, hands up and kneels before the enemy. A sign of total and complete submission! I have to admit, that I felt this way about surrendering, equating defeat with failure, and we all know "failure is not an option". So, I have been doing everything in my power to never surrender to the "enemy" under any circumstances.

However, as I sought the Lord for a word or phrase to focus on this year, I heard Him say, “surrender”. Of course, I asked again, and again, and again for a different word, but none came. I even tried to help God by making up something that sounded better and that I wouldn’t mind complying with like “choose life” or “trust and truth”! But I knew in my spirit, those were not the words God has for me in is as it should be...the only word that I need to abide in to help me grow and flourish in this stage of my faith walk...SURRENDER!

Please pray for me, as I come out waving my white flag, hands up, kneeling not before my enemy, but my Savior. I know that He only wants me to surrender those things that have kept me in true captivity. Things like doubt and fear, that have kept me in hiding, preventing me from standing courageously and confidently in the freedom and faith that will lead me to my destiny. I know that surrendering to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords means being captive to Him for my good and His glory. It will be a challenging journey, I know. Nothing worth having is ever gained without sacrifice. But the word says "obedience is better than sacrifice". So in my journey to be obedient to the word of the Lord, like Mary, I say..."Lord, I am your servant. May Your word be fulfilled in me."

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