Listen. Learn. Lead. Love!!
These times have been difficult, challenging and haunting. Another Black man killed by the police. A young Black woman killed in her...

Over the past two weeks, I have noticed something rather strange, on several occasions, I have stopped breathing. Feeling more and more...

2020: A Clearer Vision
As I sat down to write my first blog in two years, I expected something prolific to flow from my fingers. Grandiose thoughts and ideas...

I’m A Survivor!
Last week I heard a powerful testimony from a man of God who shared how after a series of great difficulties and challenges (sudden...

Pride or Purpose?
Recently, I engaged in a situation that I am not proud of. I allowed the enemy to creep in and speak lies to me. Genesis 4:7 warns us...

...to the least of these...A Tribute to JR
God created us all with a purpose and a plan in mind. We know this and yet we sometimes treat people like their lives don’t matter. We...

I have been thinking about taking a Facebook Fast! So many negative posts have flooded my page about the results of the election, the...

To most of the world the word “surrender” denotes defeat by the enemy. Images of a white flag being waved as an individual comes out of...

Immanuel – God is with Us!
"Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means 'God is with us.'" ...

An Open Letter to My Conservative and Liberal Friends
My spirit has been so grieved over the past few days...well 18 months actually. I have heard and seen things from family and friends that...