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Love for a Lifetime Discussion Day 1

Good Morning!

Day 1

The world has given us many messages about what love is. We say we love everything from ice cream and cake to our family and significant others. These mixed messages about love and its depth in our lives may have caused us to think about love in a variety of ways -- some that line up with scripture -- and some that don't.

Today, I’d like us to explore the question -- What is love...really? The Bible says in 1 John 4:8 "But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love." This scripture teaches us that if we want to love that we must know who God is, for God is Love! On our first day I want us to meditate on the undeniable fact that “GOD IS LOVE”! We know it, we say it...but do we really believe it? If we really want to get this love walk right, we must start with this belief and then really receive it in our hearts and minds that if we seek love, than we must first seek God!

Research- Read 1John 4:7-21

Relate – What does this scripture mean to you? If God is love, then how is the love you have for others being expressed?

Respond – Tell God today (several times) that you believe He is love and that you receive that love in every area of your life, especially in those areas where you struggle or feel inadequate.

Reflect – How has meditating on this scripture changed the way you viewed a situation or circumstance today?

Discussion Question – What messages have you received from the world about love? How are they contrary or similar to the biblical truth that “…God is love?”

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